Month: April 2018

17th April Update – Objection Deadline

Dear Resident,

Following the recent unauthorised development activity on the Land off Culhams’ Mill, you may be interested to read the following two links which announce the government’s intention to review the current laws on unauthorised caravan sites.  The second of the two links is a consultation paper in which the government is requesting your opinion on the matter.  If you feel strongly about the subject and would like to contribute to the government’s thinking process then this is your opportunity.

With regards to the existing site at Silchester the Calleva Society we would like remind you that the issue has now gone to appeal and will be heard by the Government’s Planning Inspectorate at public inquiry (note: this is completely separate from Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council planning process).  The Calleva Society has now been granted permission to be a part 6 participant which means that we will have full access to the inquiry and be able to make our own contributions alongside BDBC.

You should note that the objections that residents have already made to BDBC will not automatically be carried over to the inquiry so if you still feel strongly about the issue you should make your new objection to directly to the inspectorate at or by post at the following address….

Ms A Bell
The Planning Inspectorate
Room 3/O
Temple Quay House
2 The Square

Always quote the reference APP/H1705/W/18/3194978.

We have provided a template objection if you would like to use it which is available for download here


The deadline for submitting your objection is the 17th of April.  As before, volume counts in this matter so we encourage as many people as possible to make their voices heard.


Simon Mahaffey  Chair Silchester Parish Council

Steve Spillane  Chairman   Calleva Society

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